Thursday 23 September 2010

Creation Of A Pinhole Camera

To do the pinhole camera project we had to make exactly that, a pinhole camera. To start we got an average tin with a lid. We then marked where we wanted to have the pinhole on the tin, which we then drilled. Then we painted all the inside of the tin black so light would not reflect inside the tin and ruin the image but instead absorb the light. After that we taped foil to the tin with duct tape so the foil could act as the lens. We put a hole through the foil with a pin hence creating a pinhole which is the aperture. Then we created the shutter with a piece of card and more duct tape. This was important as no light could get in the tin until the picture was being taken. After that we stuck double sided tape inside the tin to hold the photographic paper. We then went inside the darkroom and had the photographic paper inserted in the tin. The tin was shut securely then was carried to the location to take the photograph.

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